Can I cancel my booking?

Should you or any member of your party need to cancel your booking you may do so, as long as this is at least 7 days prior to the event, by either telephoning 01305 568599 or e-mailing:

Please be aware that cancellations made directly to us are only applicable during office opening hours. If a cancellation request is received over a weekend, then this may be classed within 7 days prior to the event and subject to no refund.  Cancellations made directly with the venue will not be effective.

Could you advise me on the dress code?

Each event has a theme and we will advise you of the dress code. You can choose to go all out and totally dress the part or you can where what you are most comfortable in. All of our guests have found dressing up to be one of the highlights and helps to immerse you in the event but it is entirely your choice.

Can we sit with our friends?

Absolutely! Let us know if you have friends under a separate booking with their names so we can make sure you are seated together. If we cannot sit you altogether at a table, we will make sure that you are next to one another on adjacent tables.

What time will my event start and what happens if I’m late?

Most of our evening events officially start at 19.30 and our weekend events around 15.00 on the first day but we advise that you are ready at the venue half an hour before the start as we run through what to expect and how the event will run fifteen minutes before the official start.

It is essential that you turn up on time, particularly if you are a main character as we cannot start the event without all of the main characters. If you have a main role and are not at the event fifteen minutes before the start, then we will unfortunately, have to assign your role to another person. You will still be able to join in though.

Do I need to bring anything?

Just yourselves, your outfit and a pair of reading glasses if you need them. We will have pens and notepads for you. Just bring your best sleuthing skills: a sharp mind, keen eyes for attention to detail and good communication skills. Discuss your findings with colleagues and listen to what they tell you. Team work is key to effectively solving the cases.

Do I have to act or join in?

Only if you want to! Some roles have a lot more involvement than others. You could either be a main suspect, have a smaller supporting role, or just turn up and solve the clues, it’s entirely up to you.

Can I have my character sheet before the event?

We will give you a character outline but the actual sheet will be given at the event. This is in case you need to cancel or show up late and the role needs to be assigned to another guest.

I’m worried I may say something wrong.

Trust us, you can’t! If you are suspected of something you can either deny everything or try and push the blame onto someone else. Either way, it’s the clues that will implicate you, not what you say. You will not have any lines to learn so don’t worry about getting anything wrong or revealing anything you shouldn’t. The clues will imply a group of suspects that will lessen as each clue is solved. You will know if you are a suspect but not the murderer. Only the last clue given at the end of the night, will reveal the culprit.

What is the age restrictions for your events?

Due to the nature of the event which obviously involves murder, we advise that it is not suitable for anyone under 16 years. There are also clues to solve, physical puzzles and plots involving blackmailing, and other misdemeanours that you may not be suitable for children.

I have a disability; will I be able to attend?

We will always do as much as we can to accommodate you and want you to enjoy yourself as much as possible. Let us know any requirements we can assist with or if there is anything we can do to enhance your evening’s entertainment. Please do inform us as soon as possible if you do require a disabled access room or additional support, so we can confirm this with the venue.

How are the Gold tickets assigned?

Due to the number of lead roles available, all gold tickets are based on a first come first served basis. Once all of the main suspects are assigned, we are unable to offer any additional leading roles but can offer a supporting role.